These are my favorite pics from the week.
Hopefully there'll be more pics of Nathan soon. He is 3 and a boy. He is never still. Unless he is eating. Maybe I'll try to get some pictures at breakfast in the morning. Or first snack. Or second snack. or lunch.........
I can't believe it is 2011. I can't believe I have a 4 1/2 year old and a 3 year old. I can't believe it has been so long since I have blogged. I really enjoy doing it, so I hope to do it more this year! ths is my practice blog. I plan on adding something each night.
We had a WONDERFUL advent and Christmas. I think I enjoyed advent more than Christmas. This year we made an advent chain and each day cut off a ring. On the ring was something to do to celebrate the day. We did things like: pray for all the homeless children in the world, make a Christmas card for someone, make hot chocolate, make cookies and deliver to neighbors, go shopping for Daddy, have family "music night" where we sing carols. We had something for every day of advent. It was so fun. So fun, in fact, that I don't want to take my tree down. So here it is, the day of Epiphany, and my tree is still up. I think I will keep it up one more week. Nathan still gets so excited to get up each morning, run out and turn it on. It looks so pretty so early in the morning. I love all their decorations.
Anyway, here is to a wonderful 2011!!