Sunday, November 1, 2009


We had a blast this Halloween. Emma is old enough to know what is all about, and Nathan is still young enough to appreciate the smallest things and enjoy every bit of it. Most groups of trick or treaters had 1 adult and a small group of children. In our group, we had Emma and Nathan and 7 so-called grown-ups making sure they were getting the most of their day. Happy Halloween!

Sweet Cinderella leading the way! She was on a mission this year. The best part of her night was running into Snow White. Another girl we didn't know was dressed up as Snow White, but to Emma, it was her BFF! It was so precious. It was like she hadn't seen her in so long!

I love how Nathan is looking up at his big sister.

" much candy do you think we'll be aloud to eat?"
"I don't know, but I am NOT going anywhere without my baby."

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