Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Greatest Show on Earth

Emma loves the circus.  We took her when she was two years old, and she still talks about it. The other day she said, "Remember when we went to the circus and that guy was trying to throw popcorn in his mouth and it kept hitting him in the head?" 
"Really, you remember that? Wow." 
"That was so funny, Mommy.  But I'm not sure if it really happened or I dreamed it."  Thats my girl!

Nathan thinks he loves the circus. He's never been. But ever time we drive by the AA center he wants to go inside. They both think the circus lives there permanently. I love it.  Well on Friday morning we suprised them with a trip to the circus.  I hid clues around the house to help them guess where we were going. They were so excited...I've never seen them get dressed and out the door so fast.

We made it out in time to catch the 8:35 DART train. I highly recommend doing that.  It was so fun, the kids loved it....and it was less expensive than AA parking.  It dropped us right off at the center with a short walk.

 Waiting for the train!
 We all got to see parts of Dallas we'd never seen before. The ride was fun....bridges, tunnels, interesting people.... everything a train ride should be.

Before the show they have a pre-show (i know...but that is what it is called... creatively named, i know). We could have gone home after that. They were able to try on costumes, have pictures taken with clowns, participate in some of the skits, and see an elephant paint a picture!

 Neither one is shy when it comes to particpating....they both got right up there~

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